Monday, January 16, 2012

The Modern Muckrackers

Muckrackers, such as Upton Sinclair, were very important to the time period of Progressivism. They revealed the government workers to and Capitalists to be the slime they actually were. They gave the truth to the people in order to bring the Capitalists down to the ground. The Muckrackers of that time, Riis, Tarbell, and Sinclair, are the forefathers to Sabasian Salgado and, as strange as this may sound,  Stephen Colbert and  Jon Stewart.
   Before I explain my connection, let me say that these are the only three guys besides Johnny Carson I could think of since the actual Progressive Era, and that is why I am not going to go through the individual decades like I did for my inaugural post.
   For Salgado, his pictures represent the hardships of the many, the struggles of the poor, and the unfairness of the ruling elite. His pictures inspire men and women to take action against the unfairness of the world. He unveils the true nature of life in African countries. When a protestor of child labor needs to find an image depicting that action, he/she must look no further than the images of Salgado.
   Colbert and Stewart I'll just explain in one lump. They have dug out the dirt on these GOP candidates for President. Stewart played a clip of Bill O'Reily saying he thought Newt Gingrich was a terrible candidate. To use a hip term, Stewart was flamin'. That is a Muckrackers job. They are supposed to "flame". I really can't explain it otherwise. The only thing I can tell you is to follow the link at the end of this post.
   I also believe that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert dig through the rhetoric of other news anchors. Jon Stewart, at one point, was interviewed by Larry King, where he explained why CNN was going downhill. He may have been mad that that Sanchez guy insulted him.
  Now I know these guys are not real muckrackers, but rather are just their to poke a joke. But they bring to light the flaws of the government. I really can't explain it. All I can tell you is that these reveal the slime that is a Congressman while telling a joke, and that is the greatest way to be a muckracker.

This will explain everything I'm talking about for Colbert:

Here is a good one for Stewart:

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