Friday, January 13, 2012

The Power: From Bottom Up

Progressivists, in their life-long search for social unity, believed that the people, the workers, the immigrants, the segregated, those people are the true voice of America. The American politicians, they listen to the American people. They have to. When public outrage from these American voices becomes powerful enough, unfortunately,the Occupy movement has not had enough voice, the politicians have a duty to act upon that issue.
     I'm not going to relate this power from bottom up to the modern day world, but instead focus on the importance of having power from the bottom up. Since the beginning of this nation, people have been fighting for one thing or another, and, in conjunction with that, the lawmakers only considered change of mind or way until the pendulum of power was swinging in the direction of the people. Only then did the politicians stand. The most recent example of this is John McCain's response to the War In Iraq. In 2001, McCain was for the war, he most likely voted for it, and he believed on the war on terrorism. Move forward seven years, the election of 2008 comes around, and most people believe that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are wrong. McCain then changes his ideas about the war, saying that it is wrong in order to win popular support. Abe Lincoln's main goal was to keep the nation together during the Civil War, even though the abolition movement was like a wild boar during the war, he only considered it when he was sure that the voices from the bottom would be in support and he knew he could win the war.
     Our Constitution itself is a documentary proof that power comes from the bottom up. It is:

     " WE the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." 

We the people. What a powerful three words. Now my argument must be, this means that big industry and all the politicians are not people. Of course this is false, the politicians are actually people and the big industry are people, according to the Supreme Court. Now for my rebuke. The things the Capitalists did were inhumane, the things the government did in that time were equally inhumane. My question is: can a person be considered part of the people if the actions he committed were against human sympathy? My thinking is as follows, because the events of these inhumane Capitalists, they had dictator-like powers. They had massive control. It is the people, the people living in the slums, who are responsible for rebelling. Those Occupy movement people are in charge of making sure the control of the government is equally distributed. It should not be their job, but alas, that is their job.
      The framers intended the power from the bottom up. That is why it is WE THE PEOPLE. Remember, most Capitalists came to power  with the help of others. They were already wealthy when Industrialization began so naturally they would want to keep the power and the money. Yet the Capitalists got to where they were because of the people. Without the people, their would be no labor force. Their would be nobody to work for the Capitalists. The Industrialists would be nowhere without those men living on the streets.

      The men on Capital Hill procrastinate, lets get that fact down. They are on top. They decide what the heck is going to happen to our nation, why do they procrastinate? Well, I believe because they are scared for how the general public, their ticket back into Congress, will not approve. This is what separates the men from the boys. The general public, the tax payers, the homosexuals, the Latino, they understand mistreatment. They are willing to stand for a cause. They are willing to make a speech that may upset some, but for the purpose of creating a more perfect union. The bottom are willing to take action, are ready to protest. Why do we always see normal men and women protest? Because that's just it. They are just men and women. Non of them are government officials. That is because government workers have nothing to protest. In the long run, my point is this: we see everyday more and more people trying to be active in our government, by means of protest, letter, or otherwise, and want our system to change. So it does not make much sense why Congressmen are just sitting in the Senate Chamber going back and forth over a bill that helps only the 1%. If democracy is not an onlookers sport, then why is it the bottom that always has to persuade the top, when the top are the onlookers? I think my answer lies with "a government of the people, by the people, for the people." Abe Lincoln could mean that a government of the people, meaning the bottom controls our government, and that those people comprise the Congress, by the people, meaning the laws put into consideration are almost a written statement from the people, which would mean in a form of protest or otherwise, and for the people, which means that a a bunch of bottom people, as compared to top people, are creating laws written for themselves, and the people. The perfect union, which we will never have the privilege of seeing in our lifetime or on Earth, may just be an Adam Smith government, as to say, no government at all. This is when power is spread and the economic stance of everyone is equal.
     If this went all over your head, have no fear, I am here... to explain it more clearly. Basically, our government only works when the people make a stand. If there is no fight, there is no issue. If their is no protest, there is no injustice. This is what the government will think. Those on the bottom must bring to light what happens in America. The bottom are like the little kid who is trying really hard to win the baseball game for his team, while the rest of the kids on the team are slacking off until they realize that they don't get their post game snack if they don't try. This analogy would also mean that the Capitalists were greedy and only when they found an aspect of personal gain from a workers plight did they try and make that thing happen. The people must control the government because without their Indian, African American, homosexual, womens, and 99% civil rights movements, there would be no concept or action for the government to grab hold of to make right.

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